IP Address Classes
Classes of the IP Address:- Before moving on to defining the classes of the IP addresses, let’s see IPv4. IP Address is in binary format(1.e 0 or 1) and the…
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Classes of the IP Address:- Before moving on to defining the classes of the IP addresses, let’s see IPv4. IP Address is in binary format(1.e 0 or 1) and the…
There different types of IP addresses and each are explained :- Uni-cast IP Address:- As the name suggests it one time destination only address. When we send a data packets/frames…
The Entire IP Addressing Explained:- What is an IP Address? IP address –>Logical Address The operation is in Network Layer Network Layer operates on the logical addressing method to find…
What is a Switch?What are it functions? Intelligent device Communicate through MAC address table Each port works on a fixed band-width Duplex Communication Communication works on flooding and unicast MAC…
What is a Router and its functions? Networking device used for communication between different networks. Intelligent device Uses logical addressing for communication Types of Routers? 1.Fixed Routers These routers are…
LAN(Local Area Network):- Connects within a limited area Offers less coverage area EX:-Office Building MAN(Metropolitan Area Network):- Connects devices in different locations over a certain radius Span the entire city…
What is Network? When two or more devices are interconnected a network is formed and when they starts communicating with each other is they are known to be networking. For…