The Entire IP Addressing Explained:-

What is an IP Address?

  • IP address –>Logical Address
  • The operation is in Network Layer
  • Network Layer operates on the logical addressing method to find the best way to transfer the data packet from source to destination.
  • It facilitates the transfer of the data from one network to other network.
  • It uses identifier to determine the destination network .

What are the Versions available in IP Addressing?

There are two versions available in IP addresses to facilitate it use across the world.

  • IPv4–>32 bit
  • IPv6–>128bit

A bit is in the binary format–> it is either 0 or 1

We will learn configuring the networks using the IPv4 version but to facilitate modern consumer use, IPv6 version is also in use that gives us many more addresses to use in the real world.

Operation of the IPv4 Addressing?

The addresses of IPv4 has 4 Octets and depending on the classes they belong to, each consists of network and host portions.

The entire Process is divided into two parts:-

  1. Part one–> The first identifier is the network portion of the system and it implies network address belong to the system.
  2. Part Two–> The second identifier is the host portion that redirects to the particular device that we want to transfer the data.

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