AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam Study Guide (CLF-C01)

AWS Cloud Practitioner ultimate study guide (CLF-C01) is equipped with wide range of AWS topics to aid learners in their AWS certification Preparation.

AWS certification provide validation to the users technical expertise in the Cloud Environment.

AWS Cloud Practitioner is the foundational level AWS certification

Now the most infamous questions, AWS training

Here we detailed out the most important topics and prepared an ultimate study guide to enable best results for the learners.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) certification Exam Guide

What is AWS Cloud Practitioner certification Exam?

The Exam tests the overall skills & Understanding of the AWS cloud Platform

What is the next step After the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification?

The candidates can move on to the next level associate /Speciality certifications after clearing AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam

What is the format of the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam?

Multiple Choice- Pick one right answer
Multiple Answers-Pick two or more right answers

What is the total time for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification Exam?

Total time-90 minutes

What is the passing score for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification Exam ?

Passing score-700/1000

What is the Cloud practitioner certification Exam cost?

AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam Post : $100 USD

What is the average salary of the AWS certified Professional?

According to Google, the average salary of AWS Certified Professional is $113,932.

Domain 1: Cloud Concepts 26%

Define the AWS Cloud and its value proposition

AWS -Amazon Web Services

AWS Cloud is a robust Cloud Services Platform offering various of services to customers.
What is cloud computing?

Simply put, AWS is a Cloud Platform with robust security offering services like:-

  • Compute
  • Migration
  • Database
  • Storage
  • Networking
  • Analytics
  • Security
  • Servers
  • Development

Before moving on to developments in AWS, let dig into some basics of Cloud Computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing:-

  • Offers all resources need to operate a Computation Environment (Servers, Databases etc.)
  • Pay for the cloud services that you use               
  • Reduce your running costs
  • Operate your network more effectively and scale up as you buy.
  • Have limited Control over the resources.

Benefits and considerations of using cloud services:-

Availability1.Model based on pay-as-you-go / consumption

2.You should quit paying the money you don’t need

3.Cost Prediction to plan
Scalability1.  You have infinite resources

2.Scaling vertically (scaling up) –can add more CPU Power

3.Scaling horizontally (scaling out)-You can add more power by installing additional servers

4.Automatic or manual scaling
Elasticity1. Increase or decrease according to request

2. Peak Season’s- Install –> +servers

3. low seasons-Reduce–>-servers

4.Compliant with sudden spikes

5. Minimise low-use consumption
Agility1. Fast systems with full power

2.Can add power–>As per requirement
Fault-Tolerance1.  Data centres redundant

2.  Fault-tolerant infrastructure

3.  Policy and controls developed

4.  Security Model–>Shared
Disaster Recovery1.  Backup and duplication of data

2.  Recovery –>Generators (In case of Sever Problems)

Different Types of Cloud Computing Models

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Compute, Networking & Storage Services are offered in this service model.

Infrastructure as a Service –>Provides most versatile type of cloud provisioning.

This model offers a renting model of the infrastructure with less start-up costs along with full-control over operating systems, virtual machines, data &Application

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

This model supports everything expect your data & Applications.

Ex:- A web Application–>The cloud vendor provides all the necessary infrastructure ranging from servers to operating systems and provides a platform for application deployment.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Simply put, the software is provided by the cloud-vendor and end users make use of the applications.

Ex: – Salesforce CRM, Office 365 etc.

Compare and contrast the three different service types

Different Types of Cloud Computing Models

Describe the differences between Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models:-

Public cloud

Your data/application runs on cloud vendor-managed infrastructure, such as Azure etc.

Private cloud

Your data /applications run locally at your own premises and manage the data centre on own.

Hybrid cloud

Some of your data /application run on-site while other part runs on a cloud vendor-managed infrastructure.

Compare and contrast the three different cloud models

PublicScalability–>High Strength/mobility
Pricing–>Pay As U Go
Infrastructure–>No Maintenance
Technical Skill–>Less
Security Standards(some)–>Cant meet
Compliance Standards–>some Cant meet
PrivateData Centre–>Full Control
Standards–>Full Compliance &Legal
Initial Costs–>High
HybridEconomy–>Save costs by mixing both
Management & Setup–>Complex

AWS Global Infrastructure

The AWS Global Infrastructure consists of :

  • AWS Regions
  • AWS Availability Zones
  • AWS Data centres
  • AWS Edge Locations/points of Presence

Click here to check the Infrastructure of the AWS

Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure
Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure

Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure

Amazon Services
Some services offered by Amazon AWS

Identify aspects of AWS Cloud economics

AWS Cloud Economics helps to reduce the overall costs of managing the virtual environments.

It allows the customer to have full control over the operating costs.

The AWS TCO(Total cost ownership) is used to help the customers make informed decisions.

What is TCO ( Total Cost Ownership)?

The Total cost ownership is the comparative analysis between the on-premise environment & cloud environment in terms of costs.

TCO Amazon calculator
Source: AWS EBook

List the different cloud architecture design principles

There are various 5 Pillars in the Cloud Architecture:

The frameworks enabled the cloud architecture to be robust and secure environment.

1. Operational Excellence

The 5 design Principles are:

  • Perform operations as code
  • Anticipate failure
  • Learn from all operational failures

2. Security

  • Automate security best practices
  • Protect data in transit and at rest
  • Keep people away from data

3. Performance Efficiency

  • Democratize advanced technologies
  • Go global in minutes
  • Use serverless architectures

4. Cost Optimization

  • Adopt a consumption model
  • Measure overall efficiency
  • Stop spending money on undifferentiated heavy lifting

5. Reliability

  • Automatically recover from failure
  • Test recovery procedures
  • Scale horizontally to increase aggregate workload availability

Source: AWS Website

Domain 2: Security and Compliance 25%

Define the AWS shared responsibility model

Simply put, Shared responsibility model defines the terms what AWS and Customer is responsible for.

AWSResponsible of the cloud environment
CustomerResponsible inside the cloud environment

Define AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts

AWS Security

AWS gives security-explicit devices and highlights across network security, configuration management, access control, and information encryption.

This implies you hold control of the security

Security in the cloud is a lot of like security in your on-premises server farms—just without the expenses of keeping up offices and equipment.

You gain admittance to several devices and highlights to assist you with meeting your security Standards.

AWS Compliance

AWS Infrastructure is accredited to

SOC 1/ISAE 3402, SOC 2, SOC 3


PCI DSS Level 1

ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018ISO 27001, SOC2. SOC3.
Source:AWS Website

These compliance programs gives extra trust to customers about the AWS security commitment.

Identify AWS access management capabilities

IAM -Identity & Access Management

IAM service comes under security & compliance section

To use IAM service Management console


IAM Best practices

Root Account—> Default

# Users belong to an organisation can be grouped

EX: Group 1 – Admin & Group 2- Developers

Groups cant contain other groups

Permissions & Policies are created while creating users and groups to maintain best security practises.

Identify resources for security support

Security in the cloud is the shared responsibility between the user & AWS

AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS trusted Advisor is an online tool that helps customers with the real time best practices.

This tool provides guidance to help customers make informed decisions

Features of AWS Trusted Advisor
Features of AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Inspector

AWS Inspector is an automated security assessment service

It helps to enhance the security & compliance of the AWS applications

It gives the possible remedies to rectify the possible security issues.

AWS Cloud Trail

AWS Shield

AWS Web Application Firewall

Domain 3: Technology 33%

Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud

Amazon EC2

EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud

Offered as IaaS(Infrastructure as Service)

EC2 is not Global

EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a web service offered by AWS.

It provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud.

Allows web-developers to scale their applications in cloud environment efficiently.

EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud

What is an EBS ?

EBS = Elastic Block Store

Provides block level storage volumes for EC2 Instances

It is locked to an Availability Zone


What is Load Balancing?

Simply Put, Load Balancing distribute the incoming internet traffic to multiple targets.

Types of Load Balancers
Types of Load Balancers

Application Load Balancer–> Layer 7

Network Load Balancer–> Layer 4

Classic Load Balancer–> Layer 4 & 7

Why use Load Balancer?

  • Highly available
  • Security
  • Flexibility
  • Robust monitoring & auditing
  • Hybrid load balancing
  • Elasticity

What is an Auto Scaling Groups?

According to AWS Documentation

An Auto Scaling group contains a collection of Amazon EC2 instances that are treated as a logical grouping for the purposes of automatic scaling and management.

Why use Auto Scaling Groups?

  • Quick Setup
  • Smart scaling
  • Pay only for optimal usage

Amazon S3

So, What is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service offered by AWS.

S3 Amazon storage

Lets learn these terms for Amazon S3 storage

Objects –> Files

Buckets–> Containers

Data in cloud Amazon

Simply Amazon S3 uses buckets to store data (objects) in them.

Uploading a file into the bucket stores the data in Amazon S3

What you can control while using the bucket?

  • Bucket accessibility
  • Geographical Region of the Bucket
  • User access to create/delete/list the objects
  • Access Logs

Buckets must have a unique name across all the regions

Amazon Databases

Database in Amazon
  • Databases helps in structuring the data
  • Databases helps in querying and searching through indexes
What is a  Relational Database?

Lets see more of databases

What is a Relational Database?

Relational Database is pretty much similar to MS Excel

Relational Database organise & contain data through tables of rows & columns.

RDSRelational Database
DynamoDBNon-relational Database
Elastic CacheWeb service that performs in-memory cache
NeptuneGraph database service facilitates to build & run Applications
Amazon RedshiftOnline Analytics processing(OLAP) for Intense Querying
Amazon QLDBFully managed ledger database
Amazon DocumentDBSupports MongoDB workloads

Define the AWS global infrastructure

The AWS Global Infrastructure consists of :

  • AWS Regions
  • AWS Availability Zones
  • AWS Data centres
  • AWS Edge Locations/points of Presence

Click here to check the Infrastructure of the AWS

Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure
Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure

Benefits of AWS global Infrastructure

Amazon Services
Some services offered by Amazon AWS

Identify the core AWS services

We discussed major core services in AWS while going through topics

Some of the other important services you should know about are:

Route 53

Cloud Domain Name system (DNS)


Amazon Simple Notification Service


The user will be able to run the code without the need for servers and the pay accordingly.


Virtual Private Cloud–> Gives private Network to deploy resources

Subnets–> Network Partition

  • Public Subnet–> Accessible from internet
  • Private subnet–> Not accessible from internet

Internet Gateways–>

  • A door to for VPC Instance to connect to Internet
  • Performs Network Address translation

NAT Gateways–> enables private subnet to connect to the internet or other AWS services

Identify resources for technology support

The Three AWS Technology support Plans available are:

  • Developer
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Domain 4: Billing and Pricing 16%

Compare and contrast the various pricing models for AWS

AWS Organisation

AWS Organisation

AWS Organisations enables to manage multiple AWS Accounts.

Simply put, AWS organisations allows management of multiple AWS accounts by grouping them under one organisation.

AWS OrganisationsAllows account management
consolidated billing capabilities

AWS Pricing Models:

AWS pricing Models
AWS Pricing models

The three Major factors for pricing are

  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Data out from the AWS

AWS pricing calculator:

AWS Pricing calculator

AWS Billing Tools:

AWS Billing tools
AWS Billing Tools
TCO CalculatorComparative Analysis between On-premise & Cloud Environment
Cost ExplorerCurrent & Forecast Resource/Service usage
Pricing CalculatorAWS Services Cost
TagsResource tags
Track overall billing and alerts users

Recognise the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing

The AWS Account structures for billing are:

Source: AWS

AWS Account Structures

Business Unit (BU) Account Structure 

This structure typically works well in a decentralised IT environment where each BU is responsible for its own IT administration, operations, and costs.

Environment Life cycle Account Structure

Allows customers to align their AWS operational and billing controls with their application deployment life cycle.

Project-Based Account Structure

Allows customers to align their AWS operational and billing controls by product, application workload, or program.

Hybrid AWS Account Structures

Hybrid combinations that group accounts by multiple dimensions work for large scale companies.

Identify resources available for billing support

AWS Support Plans Pricing:

AWS Support Plans Pricing:
AWS Support Plans Pricing:

For more Information on AWS Support Plans: Visit AWS Site

Happy Learning!!!!

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