Network Troubleshooting
What is Network Troubleshooting? The Network Troubleshooting is the process of identifying the cause of the errors and determining the potential issue. Below is one of the most common errors…
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What is Network Troubleshooting? The Network Troubleshooting is the process of identifying the cause of the errors and determining the potential issue. Below is one of the most common errors…
Classes of the IP Address:- Before moving on to defining the classes of the IP addresses, let’s see IPv4. IP Address is in binary format(1.e 0 or 1) and the…
There different types of IP addresses and each are explained :- Uni-cast IP Address:- As the name suggests it one time destination only address. When we send a data packets/frames…
The Entire IP Addressing Explained:- What is an IP Address? IP address –>Logical Address The operation is in Network Layer Network Layer operates on the logical addressing method to find…
What is a Switch?What are it functions? Intelligent device Communicate through MAC address table Each port works on a fixed band-width Duplex Communication Communication works on flooding and unicast MAC…
What is a Router and its functions? Networking device used for communication between different networks. Intelligent device Uses logical addressing for communication Types of Routers? 1.Fixed Routers These routers are…
LAN(Local Area Network):- Connects within a limited area Offers less coverage area EX:-Office Building MAN(Metropolitan Area Network):- Connects devices in different locations over a certain radius Span the entire city…
What is Network? When two or more devices are interconnected a network is formed and when they starts communicating with each other is they are known to be networking. For…