Dataquest and Dat0s have partnered to offer 6-month scholarships to data professionals from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds.
Table of Contents
What are the requirements for this scholarship?
There are 5 requirements for this scholarship:
- You must have a free Dataquest account
- You must have joined Dat0s’s discord server
- If you have trouble joining the server, please reach out to Manuel from Dat0s at
- You must not be currently subscribed to Dataquest
- You must not be currently receiving free Premium access to Dataquest (via other scholarship, Learning Assistant program, or Moderator program)
- You must complete your application by September 30, 2021.
Eligible applicants will receive a unique link from the Dat0s that will allow them to apply.
If you haven’t received the link, ensure you’ve joined the Dat0s Discord server and contact Dat0s.
How long is this scholarship?
Recipients of this scholarship will receive 6 months of Premium access.
How will I know whether I was accepted?
All eligible applicants who complete the application form will be accepted, and will see a confirmation message once the application is complete.
Access through the scholarship will be given by end of day October 5.
When will my free Premium access begin?
Access through the scholarship will be given by end of day October 5.
Recipients will be notified via e-mail when access has been applied to their accounts.
Can I get an extension?
Extensions won’t be available for this scholarship. However, at the end of the scholarship, recipients will receive a significantly discounted offer to upgrade to our Premium annual plan.
Can I pause my scholarship?
No. We have limited spots available for scholarships, and only offer them during a specific period of time. If you’re unable to continue learning through this scholarship, you’re welcome to apply for another one!