Microsoft Azure Exam certification notes Az-900

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing:-

  • Offers all resources need to operate a Computation Environment (Servers, Databases etc.)
  • Pay for the cloud services that you use               
  • Reduce your running costs
  • Operate your network more effectively and scale up as you buy.
  • Have limited Control over the resources.

Describe the benefits and considerations of using cloud services:-

Describe terms such as High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault-Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery

Availability1.Model based on pay-as-you-go / consumption
2.You should quit paying the money you don’t need
3.Cost Prediction to plan
Scalability1.  You have infinite resources
2.Scaling vertically (scaling up) –can add more CPU Power
3.Scaling horizontally (scaling out)-You can add more power by installing additional servers
4.Automatic or manual scaling
Elasticity1. Increase or decrease according to request
2. Peak Season’s- Install –> +servers
3. low seasons-Reduce–>-servers
4.Compliant with sudden spikes
5. Minimise low-use consumption
Agility1. Fast systems with full power
2.Can add power–>As per requirement
Fault-Tolerance1.  Data centres redundant
2.  Fault-tolerant infrastructure
3.  Policy and controls developed
4.  Security Model–>Shared
Disaster Recovery1.  Backup and duplication of data
2.  Recovery –>Generators (In case of Sever Problems)

Describe the principles of economies of scale

Principles of Economies of Scale:-

  • Usefulness
  • Lower unit cost
  • Save taxes and expenses

Describe the differences between Capital Expenditure (CapEx) and Operational Expenditure (OpEx)

 Capital Expenditure (CapEx):-

  • Is an upfront cost –>Physical Infrastructure(servers , storage, network etc)
  • Back up & Recovery Maintenance
  • Own Data Centre
  • Planned Budget
  • Upfront setup cost
  • Value Depreciates over the time

Operational Expenditure (OpEx):-

  • Is a fee–>Pay /Month depending upon resource/services Usage
  • Will Pay per consumer
  • Technology Infrastructure –>Lease Model
  • Cloud applications –> Leased
  • Fees–> resource scaling

Describe the consumption-based model

This a pay as U Go model where the cloud services and application are offered based on subscription Model. The users incur charge depending on the resource usage.

Describe the differences between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS):-

Describe Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Compute, Networking & Storage Services are offered in this service model.

Infrastructure as a Service –>Provides most versatile type of cloud provisioning.

This model offers a renting model of the infrastructure with less start-up costs along with full-control over operating systems, virtual machines, data &Applications

Describe Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

This model supports everything expect your data & Applications.

Ex:- A web Application–>The cloud vendor provides all the necessary infrastructure ranging from servers to operating systems and provides a platform for application deployment.

Describe Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Simply put, the software is provided by the cloud-vendor and end users make use of the applications.

Ex: – Salesforce CRM, Office 365 etc.

Compare and contrast the three different service types

Describe the differences between Public, Private and Hybrid cloud models:-

Describe Public cloud

Your data/application runs on cloud vendor-managed infrastructure, such as Azure etc.

Describe Private cloud

Your data /applications run locally at your own premises and manage the data centre on own.

Describe Hybrid cloud

Some of your data /application run on-site while other part runs on a cloud vendor-managed infrastructure.

Compare and contrast the three different cloud models

PublicScalability–>High Strength/mobility
Pricing–>Pay As U Go
Infrastructure–>No Maintenance
Technical Skill–>Less
Security Standards(some)–>Cant meet
Compliance Standards–>some Cant meet
PrivateData Centre–>Full Control
Standards–>Full Compliance &Legal
Initial Costs–>High
HybridEconomy–>Save costs by mixing both
Management & Setup–>Complex

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