The Ultimate set of Networking Tools for Professionals

The Ultimate set of Networking Tools for Professionals. These are command-line networking tools that we can use in practical applications


The ping command is used to test whether a connection to a remote resource is possible.

In general, this is also for computers on your home network if your internet website is properly configured and verified.

Ping works using the ICMP protocol, which is one of the lesser-known TCP / IP protocols mentioned above.

The ICMP protocol operates at the network layer of the OSI reference model, so it operates at the Internet layer of the TCP / IP model.

The basic syntax of ping is ping <targetname>.


A logical follow-up to the ping command is traceroute

You can use Traceroute to map a traceroute as a request goes to a target machine.

The Internet consists of various servers and endpoints, all of which are networked with each other. This means that you will have to go through many other servers first to access the content you really need.

Traceroute allows you to verify each of these connections and all intermediate steps between your computer and the requested resource.

The basic syntax of traceroute on Linux is: traceroute <destination>

Basically, the Windows traceroute utility (tracert) works using the same ICMP protocol as using ping, and Unix works over UDP. This can be changed to a switch in either case.

Learn More about HTTP

WHOIS Search

The domain name is an unknown internet savior.

Can you imagine the feeling of remembering the IP addresses of all the websites you want to visit? I thought it was terrible.

Fortunately, we have a domain.

Let’s talk a little more about how this works in the next step.

But now it’s supposed to know that the domain has been translated into an IP address and you don’t have to remember it (for example,, instead of the TryHackMe IP address).

Domains are leased from companies called domain registrars. If you need a domain, you register it with a registrar and lease the domain for a period of time.


With Whois, you can basically look up who a domain name is registered with. In Europe, personal information is compiled. However, you can retrieve a large amount of information from a whois search elsewhere.

There is a web version of the whois tool if you are particularly at a disadvantage on the command line. Anyway, let’s get started!
(Note: you may need to install whois before using it.

On Debian based systems this can be done by sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install whois
Whois lookup is very easy to do.

Use whois<domain> to get a list of available information about domain registration.

These are some of the prominent Networking Tools for Professionals.

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