After passing Microsoft exam AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, I started preparing for my next exam and the new certification Microsoft Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies, which is updated in September of this year. To prepare for the examination, I use lot resources to gather learning material and share with you guys here.

I already shared a couple of certification Materials for Microsoft exam AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals & AWS Cloud Practitioner ultimate Study guide (CLF-C01) .

Free Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

My AZ-500 Study Guide : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

EXAMMicrosoft Azure Security Technologies
COST$165 USD*(Depends on Country )

How can you book for the Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

AZ-104 Study Guide : Microsoft Azure Administrator

Click Here to go to Official Journey to Certification Guide

How to get free Certification Voucher/discount From the Microsoft AZ-500?

Step 1:- Register yourself in One of the Online Events.

Free Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Step 2:- Email will be sent with personalised link to attend the Events.

 Due to the popularity of this event registration cannot be automatically confirmed. You will be notified by email if there is capacity for you to attend.

Step 3:- Attend the Event Session with the teams link you receive

Step 4:- Attend the Workshop Session for 5 days

Step 5 :- Wait for 5 days and register for the Exam (AZ-500) with the same email you used to attend the event to claim the discount of ($165 USD)

What are the benefits of the Workshop:

  • Provided with the Lab Environment
  • Instructions to execute the Lab
  • DMOC Code for the Digital Microsoft Official Curriculum
  • Microsoft Official Measure Up Practice Test Voucher
  • Exam Voucher 
Free Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Microsoft Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Objectives

According to Microsoft website,

Responsibilities for an Azure Security Engineer include maintaining the security posture, identifying and remediating vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implementing threat protection, and responding to security incident escalations.

Azure Security Engineers often serve as part of a larger team dedicated to cloud-based management and security or hybrid environments as part of an end-to-end infrastructure.

Pre-requisites Recommended :

A candidate for this exam should be familiar with scripting and automation, should have a deep understanding of networking and virtualization. A candidate should also have a strong familiarity with cloud capabilities, Azure products and services, and other Microsoft products and services.

AZ-500 : Exam Objectives

Skills measured

  • Manage identity and access (30-35%)
  • Implement platform protection (15-20%)
  • Manage security operations (25-30%)
  • Secure data and applications (20-25%)

Free Online Microsoft Learn AZ-500 Exam Study Guide resources

Microsoft Learn provided you with free online training and learning paths for AZ-500 Microsoft Exam.

Here are some relevant Microsoft Learn modules and learning paths for the AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Certification Exam. 

Microsoft Learn AZ-500 exam study paths:

Secure your cloud applications in Azure (6 modules)

Implement resource management security in Azure (6 modules)

Implement network security in Azure (5 modules)

Implement virtual machine host security in Azure (6 modules)

Manage identity and access in Azure Active Directory (9 modules)

Manage security operations in Azure (8 modules)

Happy Learning!!

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