Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

Free Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020: Free Certification Exam

Microsoft recently launched a Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020 Program and is offering free Exam Vouchers.

Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge Details:

Step 1) Create a Microsoft Learn Account

Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

Step 2) Register Here for the Challenge

Step3) Register for each challenge

click the “Go to challenge” button 

Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

Step 4) Click on “Join the Challenge”

Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

Step 5) Finish all the modules in at least one collection


In order to receive your free Microsoft Certification exam notification email, you must have an email address for notifications in your Learn profile. You can add one by signing into your Learn profile settings, updating the Manage email preferences section and hitting save

How to get Free Microsoft Exam Certification Voucher :

Join the Challenge and Finish the at least one Challenge collection out 6.

Finish all the modules in the collection

Register before Oct 7th, 2020 and Complete the challenge.

Then you will be notified via Email to get the redeem the voucher.

The free certification exam is available for redemption starting October 14, 2020 and is valid until March 31, 2021

Click Here for all the eligible exams that can taken using the free voucher.

Terms & Conditions of the Offer :

Free Microsoft Certification Exam : Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge 2020

I hope this information helps people to earn their Microsoft certification !!!!

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