Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Recently I have finished my Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

I find it very interesting and intriguing

Many learners who are working on the problem and are stuck at some step, might be looking out for some guidance.

Here is Some Tips for those who are looking out for some guidance :

Step 1) Open Notebook

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Step 2) Run Code Step by Step

Python Final Project: WordCloud

Run import Block 1 by selecting the block and clicking on run/ by using (shift + Enter)

Then after running that block all of the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget will been completed.

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

1–> Click on save

2–> Close the Notebook and open it again

This will ensure the above process is saved.

Step 3) Now Run Block 2 which is Upload using Run/ (shift + Enter)

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

After Running the code the ( Browse button ) Shows up

Upload your Text File


Step 4) Now put your Code on Block 3 and then run

# LEARNER CODE START HERE–> Put your code under this

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Run the code without any errors

Then you may proceed to the final step!!

Almost there!!!

Step 5) Run Block 4 using Run / Shift +Enter

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Now your word cloud pic should show like this depending on the input given

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Step 6) Submit your Assignment

There are Two ways to Submit Assignment:

1)Download a Project File –> Notebook (.ipynb) and upload it

2) Or Just Click Button ( Submit Assignment )

Hope this helps the avid learners of Python!!!

Please share your thoughts !!!

All the best!!!

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