Microsoft Azure Exam certification notes Az-900

Describe Azure subscriptions:-

Describe an Azure Subscription

Azure Subscription is pooling of the resources required for the operation of the services and applications.

Describe the uses and options with Azure subscriptions such access control and offer types

Subscription TypePackages
FreeFree $200 usd credit for first month
Free access to popular services for 12 months
Some services always free with limitations
Pay-as-you-go(PAYG)Paid subscription
Billed as per the usage azure resources/user
StudentFree $100 usd credit for 12 months
Same features as free subscription

Describe subscription management using Management groups

Groups can be created for various departments in a company to allocate the azure resources.

  1. Resources are allocated to various departments but billing is handled by one department.
  2. Multiple subscriptions taken and are allocated to each department and they manage there own billing separately.

Describe planning and management of costs:-

Describe options for purchasing Azure products and services

Web DirectThe users can purchase the services from the website directly with monthly billing option.
EnterpriseCan make an enterprise agreement through Microsoft partners to purchase azure environment to deploy in large scale at discounted price.
Cloud Solutions PartnerThese are Microsoft partners and can sell the azure and other Microsoft products

Describe options around Azure Free account

  • 25 Services are free with some limitations for forever.
  • Some important services are free for span of 12 months
  • $200 usd credit for 1 month

Describe the factors affecting costs such as resource types, services, locations, ingress and egress traffic

Resource TypeThe user pays for the resource type depending on the usage meter.
Different resource type accumulate different meter usage.
ServicesThe billing also is different depending on the subscription taken across cloud environment,
LocationThis is a location specific pricing as data centres located in various regions incur different costs .

Describe Zones for billing purposes

Different zones are grouped together to determine the billing at that particular locations.

Zone 1United States, Canada, UK, Europe
Zone 2Asia Pacific, Japan, Australia, India, Korea
Zone 3Brazil
Zone 4Germany

Describe the Pricing calculator

This is the calculator publicly available to estimate the costs in the Azure cloud environment.

You can select all the services and resources and estimate the total cost.

Describe the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator

It is free tool that can give the user an estimate to move the current on-premise infrastructure to the Azure cloud.

Describe best practices for minimizing Azure costs such as performing cost analysis, creating spending limits and quotas, using tags to identify cost owners, using Azure reservations and using Azure Advisor recommendations

Cost AnalysisThis tool allows the users to modify the parameters and generate reports for effective cost management.
Spending limits and quotasThe spending limit prevent going over the budget and send you the notifications when there is more usage and expenditure.
Quotas-Service and subscription limits
TagsIt is labelling each resources available with the cost centre
This labelling allows to get overview of the consumption of resources linked to the specific tag.
Azure reservations The purchasing of the azure resources in advance to use over the span of years.
This advance purchasing enables user to avail a discount from Microsoft.
Azure AdvisorThe recommendations provided by the advisor are:-
1.High Availability

Describe Azure Cost Management

This is free azure tool to analyse the breakdown of resources costs involved.

Cost Management Tool

Describe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs):-

Describe a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

  • The Service Level Agreements are the formal documents that specifies the Microsoft commitment for service Operation.
  • Defines Performance tragets
  • Defines the outcomes if targets are not met
  • Each product /service has its own SLA

Describe Composite SLAs

  • Here SLA’s are maintained with more support to reduce failing .
  • Two or more services will be supporting an application to increase the average SLA and reduce the downtime.

Describe how to determine an appropriate SLA for an application

The essential aspects needed to determine the SLA for an application are:-

  • 1. Performance Targets
  • 2.Service Credits

Describe service lifecycle in Azure:-

Describe public and private preview features

Public Features1.These are the beta versions of the new releases or services.
2.Available to particular customers to evaluate and submit the feedback under the NDA.
Private Features1. Beta versions available to the public to evaluate
2.Some features required to be requested before testing.

Describe the term General Availability (GA)

General AvailabilityThe features that are tested by both the customers and the team will be released.

Click on What new to find these features

Describe how to monitor feature updates and product changes

Updates can be found by clicking on the above what’s new section and can also be accessed with the below link

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